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Introduction plus Question #1
In this file you will hear Vicar Cody introduce the Questions Class and answer the first question he received by text message.

1.) Why does it seem like many Christians have lots of bad or negative things happen to them? I know someone who does not always make good or correct decisions but then they blame God for not stopping them or intervening, what is the best way to respond?
MP3 Audio File [20.6 MB]


Question #2 and Question #3
2.) Can a Christian receive the body & blood of Christ without physical elements of bread & wine?

3.) Why do Lutherans believe this denomination to be the true church w/ pathway to salvation?
MP3 Audio File [12.0 MB]


Question #4
4.) How do we explain to someone who does not believe there is sin, in a way they will understand & also accept it & know there is hope, salvation. & forgiveness?
MP3 Audio File [6.4 MB]


Question #5
5.) Hey so what is the purpose of human life?
5b.) You can say companionship and you can say to control but is there really anyway to know what our purpose is as Christians, if we have it?
MP3 Audio File [8.6 MB]


Question #6
6.) Why did God create us?
MP3 Audio File [2.8 MB]


Question #7
7.) Why do some people question the Bible?
MP3 Audio File [6.4 MB]


Question #8
8.) Is it wrong to breed animals because in Genesis? The Bible says every animal according to its kind.
MP3 Audio File [1.6 MB]


Question #9
9.) I understand death. I understand it’s part of the process.
9b.) What I don’t understand is what the rest of us are to do when we lose someone that we loved dearly. What is our purpose? What are we supposed to do while we are here?
MP3 Audio File [11.4 MB]


Question 10
10.) Do our loved ones know how much we miss them once they have passed away?
MP3 Audio File [7.9 MB]


Question #11
11.) When we are baptized our sins are forgiven, even the ones we will commit in the future. When we take the Lord’s Supper it is for the forgiveness of our sins and our sins are forgiven when we receive Jesus’ true body and blood. Every week we repent of our sins and are forgiven at church. When are we really forgiven and will we be saved?
MP3 Audio File [8.8 MB]


Question #12
12.) How should we understand Purgatory?
MP3 Audio File [4.8 MB]


Question #13 and Question #14, Live questions from the audience.

13.) Regarding Genesis, how should we understand the evolutionist claim that it took 2.2 million years to form a short toe and an arch in the foot?

14.) Questions about Carbon 14 dating
Live questions from the audience:
Why did God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?
Question13-14-live from audience.mp3
MP3 Audio File [26.0 MB]