1 Memorial Drive, Lamar, Colorado
(719) 336-5500
Divine Service 9 AM
Here at Grace we think about church differently. Church is not a place where we hear a message of how to connect ourselves to God or how to make God finally start blessing us, because we have finally decided to “get serious about God”. Christ has the church working hard and all about the task of letting the world know that God has already decided to “get serious about us.” That is the message of the Gospel. God has already connected Himself to humanity in the person of Jesus Christ by dying on the cross to pay for our sins.
Church is like Christmas every Sunday! Except the tree is the Word of God and the presents are hearing Jesus’ wonderful words “I Forgive You,” and receiving the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Every week at Grace Lutheran Church we receive the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. God has so many gifts to give!
Please come join us to receive God’s gifts together!